Mañana tenemos una previsión de ensueño para San Jorge, 20 nudos de NE y olas de 3,5m. A ver si puedo darme un baño, y sobre todo conseguir salir del agua sin romper nada...
Another back and forth sailing day with the raceboard. Wind was stronger today, a solid breeze with gusts well into twenty knots. Missing a bigger sail, hope the new boom arrives soon, then I'll be able to rig my 7m. I'm growing fond of this board, its very dependable and can be sailed wether the wind is light or strong. Hope my 8.5 to feel good with this board. We have a killer forecast for tomorrow at San Jorge. 3.5m high waves, 20 knots sideshore winds. Hope I can enjoy those conditions with my waveboard. Wavesailing is very hard sometimes.
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