Hace muchos, muchos años, pasé un día entero navegando en la playa de Bolonia, cerca de Tarifa. Acababa de estar por la mañana en el pueblo, y me había comprado mi primer mástil de fibra de carbono, un flamante Fiberspar TidalWave 460. Llevaba ya unos meses con mi primera tabla "pequeña de verdad", la Mistral Electrón, y aquel día en Bolonia con un buen levante, la Electrón, y la 5.1 que se sentía ligerísima montada en ese palo, lo pasé como nunca. Estuve navegando yo solito en la playa todo el día. En una de las paradas en la orilla para descansar, entablé conversación con un niño. Recuerdo que el chaval me advirtió todo serio que tuviese mucho cuidado, que ahí adentro en el mar estaba "el hoyo de las mareas", un agujero, ó un remolino, que, según él, se tragaba a los barcos. Y la verdad es que el resto del día navegué un poco pendiente de si veía algo raro en el agua...
Unos días atrás tuve la suerte de pasar otra vez todo el día en Bolonia. Ésta vez no hubo viento fuerte, pero el día fue increíble. Lo mejor, disfrutar durante horas en el agua con la familia. Y afortunadamente, del hoyo de las mareas ni rastro. Pero me pregunto qué habrá sido de aquel chaval...
Long time ago I spent a great day windsurfing at Bolonia beach in Tarifa. It was my first time with a carbon mast and the ride was a joy. A kid told me a terrifying story of ships being suck by a "hole of the tides". I have never heard something about it again, but the other day, as I spent a great day at Bolonia again, the story came again to my mind. I wonder what may have happened with this kid after all these years...
Wait for me daddy!! |
Hi Magnum, am coming out to Spain next summer for one month, probably in July, and will stay in Tarifa for two weeks. Then perhaps up to Viano do castello, any suggestions where to stay for decent windsurfing during summer that still has good weather (lots of sun) and is family friendly ?
ReplyDeleteHi HD, what do you mean, locations or hotels?
DeleteYou know you will have a good time near Tarifa, there's lots of spots to explore and its very difficult not having some great conditions, as either Levante or Poniente are almost always blowing. The Tarifa village has plenty to offer for nice -and exclusive!- shopping.
I'm not an expert in portuguese coast though. I've been to Viana and found very nice conditions. Viana and Moledo work very well as wave spots with NE winds and NW swell. I've never been to Guincho, but a friend of mine has been there this July, and for his whole stay there was very strong wind, and quite a big swell, good for good windsurfers, but not very family friendly I think.
Then you could venture a bit north of Viana, but still close to it, to La Lanzada beach. Many friends score good wave sessions there with NE too, and the zone is very family friendly, having a very nice city, Pontevedra, withing minutes by car.
Hope this helps... dont doubt sending me an email if you want
Good winds mate!!