Hello folks I'm back on-line, sorry for not updating the blog lately, but it has been very windless these days and I hadn't anything really interesting to write about. I have to say that I'be been to Madrid and I've had the inmense luck to see Zinedine Zidane playing football at the Bernabeu, and definitely he still has the magic in his feet.
After all these days off the water there was some hope of wind today. Some of us launched and were lucky to be in the water when the wind started to build. Finally we enjoyed one hour of blasting nicely powered up on "big" (7-8m) sails, skimming over pretty flat water thanks to the westerly breeze. It was great to hang on the harness and let the board fly after these days off the water.
Hola muchachos, mil perdones por la falta de entradas últimamente, pero hemos tenido unos días de calma y pocas cosas que contar. Hace unos días tuve la suerte de ver jugar en directo a Zizou, impresionante verle volar bajo por el Bernabeu y acariciar el balón como sólo él sabe hacerlo. Y finalmente hoy ha entrado un oeste suave que nos ha permitido planear y correr con vela grande, un gustazo. Que dure...
Ayer noche debió de soplar fuerte, ó éste arbol estaba viejo. Esperemos que lo retiren pronto... |
Las condiciones. |
Zizou, for me still the best.
Pichi enjoys todays conditions
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